To give away money is an easy matter and in any man’s power. But to decide to whom to give it, and how large, and when, and for what purpose and how, is neither in any man’s power nor an easy matter…
- Aristotle

Monday, October 26, 2009

Things happen for a reason

I know this is crazy, but our flight leaves Friday night and we are still a bit shy of what we need for this adoption. I am going to have a garage sale on Friday morning to try to get some last minute money together. We had everything situated financially and then the unexpected. So we are still a bit shy of what we need to cover our expense.
I just don't understand why the governments have to make adoption so expensive. I understand we have to pay for our travel, but to put so many demands on adoption families financially is wrong.
The whole family has been sick for the last four weeks with that terrible virus that is going around, so both Jay and I haven't worked and now four days before flight we are concerned and know there will not be enough to cover the hotel and expenses in Taiwan.
I could say I don't know how we got into this situation but I do know. I left the workforce to go back to school, things happen, the economy stuck.. just name it and that is what has happened around here!
I did go train today at my new job.. I don't get paid to train as I will be working for a public school.. the government again.. and they can not pay for two nurses on at the same time.. so in order for me to learn how to do my job I have to go in on my time but I do have to say.. I LOVE IT!!!
I can not believe that I have been so blessed and lucky to get this job at the school with the kids!! The clinic was full of kids, in and out, all day long and they were all WONDERFUL...
Well I will keep everyone posted.. I am taking it one day at a time. I don't know what else to do.