To give away money is an easy matter and in any man’s power. But to decide to whom to give it, and how large, and when, and for what purpose and how, is neither in any man’s power nor an easy matter…
- Aristotle

Friday, October 23, 2009

One week to go!!

Today is my husband's 40th birthday! My oldest daughter called to ask what we were doing tonight.. it was a haunted trail at Gatorland and then on to the homecoming football game.. I think this is a sign we have finally grown up, or is that grown old??!! Anyways, Happy Birthday, Jay!!
So tonight we will finish our packing for Taiwan. The baby's suitcase is packed, I hope the clothes I am bringing fit him. He looks so small in his photos. The last update I got he was only around 25 lbs.. which is around an 18 month size. I am bringing a pack of diapers and wipes, a toothbrush and sippy cups.. I am sure there are a million other things I should be packing.. but that is all I can think of.
The gift giving is the hardest thing. I think of things I should bring for the nannies and then I read people's posts and think that my ideas are not good.. I am very confused. I think maybe we should just donate some money to the orphanage...
A family update for tonight.. I got a new job!! Yep!! I am going to be a school nurse.. NEVER in my wildest dreams did I see myself as a school nurse.. but I start the day after we get home. I will train all next week before we leave. I have a little office with four little cots and some chairs.. it is so cute!! And I will work 4 minutes from my house AND, the best part, I will be home nights and weekends and holidays with my children!!! God is good!!
Thank you to everyone that leave me comments.. I can't figure out how to write back.. so I am just posting a big thank you for all the support I get from my family and friends!!
I will be updating the blog while we are in Taiwan. I was told by many other families that have traveled to Taiwan that they have had no problems with blogspot while in Taiwan.. so watch here for pictures and posts.
Mia and her mom and dad are picking us up.. I have promised Mia to bring her some of her favorite cupcakes. So we are allowed two carry on pieces for the plane.. one will have my school books and computer and the other will be FULL of cupcakes and pumpkin cookies for my Mia!!!!
She said the first night we are there she is taking us to the night market to eat!! She said there are many different foods and shopping at the night market... she said they have one favorite food .. it is Chicken butts!! I told her NO Chicken Butts!!!
But we are going to try everything!!
More to come.....


Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

I am SOOOOOO excited for you! I wish you were gonna be close to my boy! Say a prayer for Jeremiah while you are in Taiwan please :) Can't wait to see your baby with YOU! :)


Patty said...

Ginnie can you believe it??!!!! Its finally time!!! After our rollercoaster rides for the past 2 years, you've finally made it!! I'm so soooo happy for you, can't wait to see photos of your little guy with you. Wish I could give ya a big hug right now! And you'll be a great school nurse!!
I'll be watching for the updates!!!